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John, an obese man, was finally persuaded by his wife to see a doctor. The doctor’s advice was to eat low-fat, healthy food while emphasizing the importance of exercise. 

“Tomorrow, I want you to walk half kilometer, 
he said. 
“Then skip a day, then the next day walk one kilometer. Then skip a day, then walk one and half kilometers, and so on.”

A few weeks later, the doctor ran into john’s wife while out running errands.  
“How’s your husband these days?” 
he asked.

“He’s dead,” 
the women sobbed.

exclaimed the doctor. 
“But if he’s been keeping a healthier lifestyle and walking like I suggested, he should be fit and well!”

“Oh, doctor,” 
she replied. 
“It wasn’t the walking that killed him. It was all that skipping.”

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